School's out, time for horse camps!


We are ready for another year of summer camps! We offer TWO types of camps both with their own unique programs to include fun, horse snuggles, crafts and fresh country air.  Let your kiddos experience a taste of unbridled freedom with us while we explore, learn, and let creativity thrive. 

What camp do I choose?

Please click on camp details to see information about the camp and where you or your child best fits. Still unsure where your kiddo fits? Call us at (509) 492-8000 option 0 and we would be glad to help you.   

Camp Details

*Camp Rowdy: 2 days limited to a total of 8 participants

*Ruby's Camp: Limited to 10 participants per camp day



Summer Camp Policies

* These policies include, cancelation, eligibility, & DSHS/DDA. Please make sure you read them fully and carefully before purchase.

If you have any other questions or concerns that have not been answered or covered in the provided links please contact us at or by phone at (509) 492-8000 option 0.